full transcript

From the Ted Talk by Jane Fonda and Lily Tomlin: A hilarious celebration of lifelong female friendship

Unscramble the Blue Letters

JF: OK, well, listen to my part, because there's an additional thing. Because they only — for years, decades — they only researched men when they were trying to understand stress, only very recently have they researched what happens to women when we're serssetd, and it turns out that when we're stressed — wmeon, our bodies get flooded by oxytocin. Which is a feel-good, calming, stress-reducing hormone. Which is also increased when we're with our women friends. And I do think that's one rsaeon why we live longer. And I feel so bad for men because they don't have that. Testosterone in men dieishimns the effects of oxytocin.

Open Cloze

JF: OK, well, listen to my part, because there's an additional thing. Because they only — for years, decades — they only researched men when they were trying to understand stress, only very recently have they researched what happens to women when we're ________, and it turns out that when we're stressed — _____, our bodies get flooded by oxytocin. Which is a feel-good, calming, stress-reducing hormone. Which is also increased when we're with our women friends. And I do think that's one ______ why we live longer. And I feel so bad for men because they don't have that. Testosterone in men __________ the effects of oxytocin.


  1. stressed
  2. diminishes
  3. women
  4. reason

Original Text

JF: OK, well, listen to my part, because there's an additional thing. Because they only — for years, decades — they only researched men when they were trying to understand stress, only very recently have they researched what happens to women when we're stressed, and it turns out that when we're stressed — women, our bodies get flooded by oxytocin. Which is a feel-good, calming, stress-reducing hormone. Which is also increased when we're with our women friends. And I do think that's one reason why we live longer. And I feel so bad for men because they don't have that. Testosterone in men diminishes the effects of oxytocin.

Frequently Occurring Word Combinations

ngrams of length 2

collocation frequency
female friendship 4
women friends 4
close female 2
female friendships 2
man cave 2
baby boys 2
gloria steinem 2
renewable source 2
fossil fuel 2

Important Words

  1. additional
  2. bad
  3. bodies
  4. calming
  5. decades
  6. diminishes
  7. effects
  8. feel
  9. flooded
  10. friends
  11. hormone
  12. increased
  13. listen
  14. live
  15. longer
  16. men
  17. oxytocin
  18. part
  19. reason
  20. researched
  21. stress
  22. stressed
  23. testosterone
  24. turns
  25. understand
  26. women
  27. years